In the Kariobangi slum in Nairobi hundreds of thousands of people live in poverty. An ordinary family has extremely little food and maybe no work, and many of the parents are unable to pay for schooling for the children.
Together with James and Turphosa Ayuko, New Life, in 2006, bought a piece of land in the middle of the slum and in 2009 Gunnhild Good Samaritan School was publicly opened. This pre-school and primary school now provides schooling for approx. 100 poor children from the slum and gives them the opportunity of fulfilling their dreams for the future. All the pupils also get two meals of food during their day at school.
Distribution of food in the slum
Through the work at Kariobangi we distribute food and clothes for those who need it the most. The families of the children have very little and we help them as much as we can with food and clothes so that they may have e reasonably good life in spite of their circumstances.
In collaboration with James and Truphosa Ayuko we run, amongst other things, pre-school and food distribution program in the Kariobangi slum in Nairobi. We have worked in the Kariobangi slum since the end of the 80s and today there are approx. 120 children at the pre-school “Gunnhild Good Samaritan School”. The food distribution program helps several hundred children and families. It is very important to provide pre-schooling for the children, as this is the entrance fee for further public schooling.